

Movement to Feel Good! 

How does movement make you feel? 

This is how I feel after I exercise, full of energy and proud of what I have achieved. I love to move and challenge my body. What can I do and what can I work towards achieving? 

Whaea Holly’s Movement Goal: 

To move my body in some way everyday! 
Including a mix of high, medium and low intensity workouts throughout my week.

What is your movement goal? 

- To practise a certain move everyday. For example: A hand stand, head stand, push up etc. 

- To get a certain amount of steps per day. 

- To take your family through a Tōtara fitness 

Why should we move our bodies?

Moving our bodies can make us feel happy as our bodies release endorphins. Additionally, it’s free, fun and all we need is a bit of space. We can keep active in a variety of ways, by ourselves or with others.

How can we get active at home?

  • Peg tag 
  • Jackpot (chuck a soft object up in the air, the thrower calls out a value e.g. $100 and the person that catches it gets the “money”. The first person to $1000 wins)
  • Piggy in the middle
  • Sneak up Granny 
  • Backyard soccer, touch or netball
  • Whānau relays 
  • Create your own game

Fitness challenges:

Create and challenge your bubble with a Bubblathlon! That's a run, bike and run 💫


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